
didactics Prof. Granelli

Lessons and Courses

Prof. Granelli was the Delegate for Education of the Department in 2015-17, and coordinates the didactical activities on networking in the framework of the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Telecommunications Engineering. The material of his courses is available on the UTrento Ge.Co. moodle platform.

If you are interested in SDN/NFV basics (in Italian), please check out the following lectures in collaboration with GARR:

Below you can find some of my lectures on IoT from the IREEDER project:

Network Modeling and Design [2002-2023]

M.Sc. Degree in Telecommunications Engineering

Networking 101 [2001-now]

B.Sc. Degree in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering

Design of Networks and Communication Systems [2010-2022]

B.Sc. and M.Sc. Degrees in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering

Digital Signal Processing [2001-2007]

M.Sc. Degree in Telecommunications Engineering

Virtualized and Softwarized Mobile Networks [2020-now]

M.Sc. Degree in Information Engineering and Computer Science

Networking 1 [2023-now]

M.Sc. Degree in Information Engineering