The following section provide a sample of M.Sc. (Laurea Magistrale) and B.Sc. (Laurea Triennale) theses that can be developed under Prof. Granelli’s supervision.
For more info please contact Fabrizio GranelliCo-Advisor: Riccardo Bassoli (TU Dresden) - GOAL: to design and simulate technologies for cloud radio access network and edge computing for HAPs
Reference n.1 Reference n.2GOAL: to deploy a container-based architecture to perform KPI measurements in a 5G Service Based Architecture scenario
GOAL: to define algorithms capable of enabling energy-aware MEC operation, e.g. in presence of renewable energy sources
GOAL: to build a framework for analyzing the energy consumption of a virtualized infrastructure
Prof. Francesco De Pellegrini (Univ. of Avignon, France)
Thesis descriptionGOAL: to apply AI/ML to a simulated copy of a "real network" using the concept of Network Digital Twin.
Network Digital TwinsGOAL: to generate a 3D model of a city area and to emulate communications via ray tracing
Unreal Engine SiennaRawlings Ntassah, GOAL: The goal of this project is to analyze an energy-efficient way of deploying and managing the O-RAN.
Rawlings Ntassah, GOAL: To develop an xApp for RAN slicing and resource allocation
Rawlings Ntassah, GOAL: The goal is to develop AI/ML techniques to optimize RAN functionality for closed-loop RAN management.
GOAL: to develop a system for video communications based on semantic concepts provided by YOLO software for object recognition
YOLO websiteGOAL: to use GPT approaches in order to interpret the state and traffic flows of the Physical Twin and understand how to transfer the information to the Network Digital Twin
GOAL: to use properly trained LLMs for understanding the intent of the network manager and the applications and define policies to optimize the network configuration
GOAL: to design and develop functionalities to define effective Digital Twins of UAVs and communication networks
GOAL: to build a set of scripts for the comnetsemu network emulator platform to experiment with IP and SDN networks
comnetsemu repositoryGOAL: to build a network in Comnetsemu environment and then by using the Northbound interface of the controller to build its digital twin in ns-3 environment
Comnetsemu repository ns-2 network simulatorGOAL: to build a replica of the road, buildings and people around the University Area in Povo based on OpenStreet data and other databases
GOAL: to merge Unreal Engine and Sienna or other channel models to derive communication performance in a 3D virtual world
Unreal Engine SiennaGOAL: to implement a solution that provides differential protection/transmission of data based on semantic information captured by YOLO software
YOLO websiteGOAL: to refine training of LLMs for supporting network actions and traffic interpretation
GOAL: to use LLMs to analyze pcap traffic traces using a web GUI
GOAL: to build a set of scripts for the comnetsemu network emulator platform to experiment with IP and SDN networks
comnetsemu repositoryGOAL: to build a network in Comnetsemu environment and then by using the Northbound interface of the controller to build its digital twin in ns-3 environment
Comnetsemu repository ns-2 network simulatorGOAL: to build a replica of the road, buildings and people around the University Area in Povo based on OpenStreet data and other databases
GOAL: to merge Unreal Engine and Sienna or other channel models to derive communication performance in a 3D virtual world
Unreal Engine SiennaGOAL: to implement a solution that provides differential protection/transmission of data based on semantic information captured by YOLO software
YOLO websiteGOAL: to refine training of LLMs for supporting network actions and traffic interpretation
GOAL: to use LLMs to analyze pcap traffic traces using a web GUI