Prof. Granelli is author of more than 280 publications (h-index=37). The following is a list of the most relevant publications. For a complete list, please check:
- F. Granelli’s Google Scholar page
- F. Granelli’s page on ResearchGate
A Framework to define a Measurement-Based Model of MEC Nodes in the 5G System
Riccardo Fedrizzi, Cristina Emilia Costa, Fabrizio Granelli
in: IEEE Networking Letters, in press, 2023
Multi-access edge computing (MEC) represents an emerging solution to address the issues related to reliability, availability, context awareness and low latency in modern and future mobile networks. Despite the great interest and effort in developing MEC solutions, only a few works are available in the literature to model the existing trade-offs between available
resources and the related performance of MEC nodes. This paper aims to fill this gap by proposing a measurement-based approach to indirectly derive an effective model for any type of MEC node, capable of capturing the existing trade-offs among different performance parameters. Basically, the idea is to characterize the input-output relationship between offered computational and communication load and achievable performance. A network emulator is used to generate the data to define the model. The results provide proof-of-concept of idea by analyzing the different trade-offs and achievable performance of a sample MEC node under CPU and networking limitations.
Autonomous Private Mobile Networks: State of the Art and Future Challenges
Arturo Bellin, Marco Centenaro, Nicola di Pietro, Arif Ishaq, Daniele Munaretto, Daniele Ronzani, Andrea Spinato, Stefano Tomasin, Fabrizio Granelli
in: IEEE Communications Standards Magazine, Volume: 7, Issue: 2, June 2023, 2023
As mobile systems for private use are gaining momentum, the area of network management automation is bound to attract renewed attention from standardization organizations and vendors. Prominent examples of tasks that would benefit from network automation tools are provisioning, diagnosing, and healing. Nevertheless, due to the various network and service providers as well as stakeholders involved in the deployment of a non-public mobile system, the success of such automation heavily depends on a smooth and effective interoperability among the components of the overall system. In this article, we review the state of the art of network operations, administration, and management in the context of mobile systems for non-public use, highlighting the differences with respect to traditional public networks. Then, we provide insights about the automated provisioning of an entire core network and a network slice subnet, both for private use, performed on a research testbed under continuous integration. Lastly, we propose a list of future challenges in this research area.
End-to-end performance assessment of a 3D network for 6G connectivity on Mars surface
Stefano Bonafini, Claudio Sacchi, Riccardo Bassoli, Koteswararao Kondepu, Fabrizio Granelli, Frank Fitzek
in: Computer Networks, Vol. 213, 2022
Space Agencies from all over the world are planning human missions on the Red planet in the next 20–30 years. The landing of astronauts and their sojourn on the Martian surface will impose the presence in situ of some basic supporting infrastructures. Recent research by NASA highlighted the urgent necessity of providing efficient and readily-available wireless connection on the Martian surface, as well as long-haul connection to Earth. Thus, to fulfill the former, the objective of this paper is to study and assess a flexible 6G-based 3D network solution for mobile connectivity on Mars. 6G is going to provide guaranteed Quality-of-Service (QoS) for heterogeneous applications, while optimizing the use of the network resources. The Radio Access Network (RAN) of such an infrastructure will be fully softwarized together with the Next Generation Core (NGC). 6G 3D networks will employ drones, small satellites and orbiters due to the reduced distances between them, which can support low-latency wireless links. Moreover, rovers, landers and humans are regarded as end users of the system. An in-depth analysis regarding trade-offs to be accounted, when selecting a specific orbital altitude is detailed. Intensive end-to-end (E2E) emulation trials in OpenAirInterface (OAI) environment is carried out to test the feasibility of the whole network. The performance is evaluated by means of metrics such as E2E delay, packet loss and throughput. Finally, computational complexity and memory usage is estimated for each node of the proposed architecture.
A Novel Architecture for Future Classical-Quantum Communication Networks
Fabrizio Granelli, Riccardo Bassoli, Janis Nötzel, Frank Fitzek, Holger Boche, Nelson L. S. Da Fonseca
in: Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Vol. 2022, 2022
The standardisation of 5G is reaching its end, and the networks have started being deployed. Thus, 6G architecture is under study and design, to define the characteristics and the guidelines for its standardisation. In parallel, communications based on quantum-mechanical principles, named quantum communications, are under design and standardisation, leading to the so-called quantum internet. Nevertheless, these research and standardisation efforts are proceeding in parallel, without any significant interaction. Thus, it is essential to discuss an architecture and the possible protocol stack for classical-quantum communication networks, allowing for an effective integration between quantum and classical networks. The main scope of this paper is to provide a joint architecture for quantum-classical communication networks, considering the very recent advancements in the architectural design of 6G and the quantum internet, also defining guidelines and characteristics, which can be helpful for the ongoing standardisation efforts. For this purpose, the article discusses some of the existing main standardisation processes in classical communications and proposed protocol stacks for quantum communications. This aims at highlighting the potential points of connection and the differences that may imply future incompatible developments. The standardisation efforts on the quantum internet cannot overlook the experience gained and the existing standardisation, allowing the creation of frameworks in the classical communication context.
Impact of background traffic on the BBR and CUBIC variants of the TCP protocol
Daniela M. Casas-Velasco; Fabrizio Granelli; Nelson L. S. da Fonseca
in: IEEE Networking Letters, , 2022
This paper analyzes the performance of the TCP CUBIC and TCP BBR protocols in the presence of background traffic. The analysis is performed via emulation using actual TCP implementations and considering high capacity end-to-end data connections and different connection durations (e.g. mouse and elephant flows). The results indicate that the BBR protocol produces higher throughput and fairness than the CUBIC protocol.
A New Agent-Based Intelligent Network Architecture
Sisay Tadesse Arzo, Domenico Scotece, Riccardo Bassoli, Fabrizio Granelli, Luca Foschini, Frank HP Fitzek
in: IEEE Communications Standards Magazine, Volume: 6, Issue: 4, December 2022, 2022
The advent of 5G and the design of its architecture has become possible because of the previous individual scientific works and standardization efforts on cloud computing and network softwarization. Software-defined networking and network function virtualization started separately to find their convolution into 5G network architecture. Also, the ongoing design of the future beyond 5G (B5G) and 6G network architecture cannot overlook the pivotal inputs of different independent standardization efforts on autonomic networking, service-based communication systems, and multi-access edge computing. This article provides the design and characteristics of an agent-based, softwarized, and intelligent architecture, which coherently condenses and merges the independent proposed architectural works by different standardization working groups and bodies. This novel work is a helpful means for the design and standardization process of the future 5G and 6G network architecture.
An adaptive GA-based slice provisioning method for vertical industries in 5G and beyond networks
Riccardo Fedrizzi, Rasoul Behravesh, Cristina Costa, Fabrizio Granelli
in: Computer Networks, Volume 218, 9 December 2022, 2022
The fifth-generation of mobile communication networks are expected to support a large number of vertical industries requiring services with diverging requirements. In this vein, mobile networks have been witnessing a radical transformation to satisfy three key services types, ultra-reliable low-latency communication, enhanced mobile broadband, and massive machine-type communication, that will coexist on the same network infrastructure thanks to the network slicing paradigm. Moreover, a distributed user-plane deployment is introduced, allowing edge deployment of delay-sensitive applications thanks to the multi-access edge computing technology. However, designing resilient, elastic, end-to-end slice provisioning mechanisms is still an open issue. In this paper, we study the problem of end-to-end network slice provisioning for different vertical industries whose requested services are modeled as service function chains spanning from the radio access to the application and including user plane and control plane functionalities. Two slice provisioning strategies are considered by formulating a mixed integer linear programming problem and considering different objective functions allowing network operators to deploy the services while pursuing specific business logic. Further, an adaptive genetic algorithm based approach is proposed to solve the same problem in a short time scale by improving the search-space exploration while the population evolves. The simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach providing near-optimal solutions while drastically reducing the computational complexity.
An Open Source Testbed for Virtualized Communication Networks
Z. Xiang, S. Pandi, J. Cabrera, F. Granelli, P. Seeling, F. H. P. Fitzek
in: IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 77-83, 2021
Communication networks and the systems they interconnect are going through a phase of tremendous change. The former agnostic delivery of content between endpoints has given way to networks increasingly adding functionality beyond moving data. Softwarization technologies including network function virtualization (NFV) and soft-ware-defined networking (SDN) are key enablers that introduce computing into the network. This revolution, especially for mobile communication networks, represents a major paradigm shift away from agnostic data delivery. Subsequently, there is a significant need to provide well-defined environments offering replicability to effectively test and evaluate protocols and mechanisms that integrate computing into networks. This article presents the Communication Networks Emulator (ComNetsEmu), which provides an SDN and NFV network emulation environment based on community-embraced open source packages and enables replicable research and development on limited resource commodity hardware. In this article, we describe the underlying ComNetsEmu architecture and provide a hands-on description of its use for researchers, practitioners, and educators alike.
A Survey on Technologies, Standards and Open Challenges in Satellite IoT
M. Centenaro, C. E. Costa, F. Granelli, C. Sacchi, L. Vangelista
in: IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, , 2021
The Internet of Things is expected to bring new opportunities for improving several services for the Society, from transportation to agriculture, from smart cities to fleet management. In this framework, massive connectivity represents one of the key issues. This is especially relevant when systems are expected to cover a large geographical area or a region not reached by terrestrial network connections. In such scenarios, the usage of satellites might represent a viable solution for providing wide area coverage and connectivity in a flexible and affordable manner. Our paper presents a survey on current solutions for the deployment of services in remote/rural areas by exploiting satellites. Several architectures and technical solutions are analyzed, underlining their features and limitations, and real test cases are presented. It has been highlighted that low-orbit satellites offer an efficient solution to support long-range services, with a good trade-off in terms of coverage and latency. Moreover, open issues, new challenges, and innovative technologies have been focused, carefully considering the perimeter that current standardization framework will impose to the practical implementation of future satellite based systems.
Multi-Agent Based Autonomic Network Management Architecture
S. T. Arzo, R. Bassoli, F. Granelli, F. H. P. Fitzek
in: IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, , 2021
The advent of network softwarization is enabling multiple innovative solutions through software-defined networking (SDN) and network function virtualization (NFV). Specifically, network softwarization paves the way for autonomic and intelligent networking, which has gained popularity in the research community. Along with the arrival of 5G and beyond, which interconnects billions of devices, the complexity of network management is significantly increasing both investments and operational costs. Autonomic networking is the creation of self-organizing, self-managing, and self-protecting networks, to afford the network management complexes and heterogeneous networks. To achieve full network automation, various aspects of networking need to be addressed. So, this article proposes a novel architecture for the multi-agent-based network automation of the network management system (MANA-NMS). The architecture rely on network function atomization, which defines atomic decision-making units. Such units could represent virtual network functions. These atomic units are autonomous and adaptive. First, the article presents a theoretical discussion of the challenges arisen by automating the decision-making process. Next, the proposed multi-agent system is presented along with its mathematical modeling. Finally, MANA-NMS architecture is mathematically evaluated from functionality, reliability, latency, and resource consumption performance perspectives.
CubeSat-Based 5G Cloud Radio Access Network: A novel paradigm for on-demand anytime-anywhere connectivity
R. Bassoli, F. Granelli, C. Sacchi, S. Bonafini, F. Fitzek
in: IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, , 2020
A Business and Legislative Perspective of V2X and Mobility Applications in 5G Networks
M. Usman, M. Qaraqe, M. R. Asghar, A. A. Gebremariam, I. S. Ansari, F. Granelli, Q. H. Abbasi
in: IEEE Access, PP. 67426 - 67435, 2020
Vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication is a powerful concept that not only ensures public safety ( e.g., by avoiding road accidents) but also offers many economic benefits ( e.g., by optimizing the macroscopic behavior of the traffic across an area). On the one hand, V2X communication brings new business opportunities for many stakeholders, such as vehicle manufacturers, retailers, Mobile Network Operators (MNOs), V2X service providers, and governments. On the other hand, the convergence of these stakeholders to a common platform possesses many technical and business challenges. In this article, we identify the issues and challenges faced by V2X communications, while focusing on the business models. We propose different solutions to potentially resolve the identified challenges in the framework of 5G networks and propose a high-level hierarchy of a potential business model for a 5G-based V2X ecosystem. Moreover, we provide a concise overview of the legislative status of V2X communications across different regions in the world.
Study of Virtual Network Function Placement in 5G Cloud Radio Access Network
S. T. Arzo, R. Bassoli, F. Granelli, F. H. P. Fitzek
in: IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 2242-2259, Dec. 2020, 2020
5G and beyond need to meet stringent requirements of latency, reliability, and support for heterogeneous devices. However, the existing wireless network architecture is limited to fulfill these constraints. Cloud radio access network, along with network function virtualization, is suggested to provide flexibility and network agility. It decouples network functions, such as firewall and packet gateway, from hardware to software deployed in the cloud. Thus comprehensive end-to-end formulation of this architecture is required for virtual network function placement. Most of existing works focus on virtual functions placement with different objectives, addressing different service requirements separately. In this article, six 5G constraints are considered simultaneously to find optimal virtual network function placement with service differentiation. The selected six parameters reflect services' requirements, network constraints and computing constraints. We first model the overall cloud radio access network as a multi-layer loopless-random hypergraph and we provide the overall formulation of the system. Then, we reformulate such model considering backup virtual functions and CPU over-provisioning techniques to improve both virtual function's reliability and processing latency. Finally, we propose service differentiation to reduce CPU utilization and energy consumption, while using the above techniques. The results suggest that the application of service differentiation can significantly improve assignment of computing resources and energy efficiency.
Design of an On-Demand Agile 5G Multi-Access Edge Computing Platform Using Aerial Vehicles
F. Granelli, C. Costa, J. Zhang, R. Bassoli, F. H. P. Fitzek
in: IEEE Communications Standards Magazine, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 34-41, December 2020, 2020
Fast on-demand 5G connectivity can be deployed through the usage of aerial platforms. Indeed, the usage of moving nodes represents at the moment the most interesting and cost-affordable way to bring connectivity and network services in emergency scenarios or in the absence of the network infrastructure. This article presents an architecture for using drones as movable base stations, interconnected with a high altitude platform, capable of deploying multi-access edge computing following current ETSI standards. Moreover, a reinforcement learning algorithm is proposed to enable proper resource allocation in order to guarantee QoS requirements.
Pico Satellites for Cloud Radio Access Network
R. Bassoli, F. Granelli
in: 2019 IEEE 2nd 5G World Forum (5GWF), , 2019
Among main targets of fifth generation and beyond networks, there are perceived availability of 99.999% and `any-time anywhere' connectivity. That would allow future generation networks to fully support very sensitive governmental services such as military and emergency ones. However, verticals like complex border monitoring would require connectivity in places where there is no available access network. Thus, the deployment of mobile base stations and the design of a system, based on virtualisation (e.g. cloud radio access network) and satellite-based network function virtualisation, can promise to achieve the desired goals for the mentioned verticals. This paper investigates the possibility to implement cloud radio access network in a system based on mobile base stations and CubeSats (pico satellites), which host the virtual network functions and the baseband processing. In particular, the investigation takes into account baseband functional split to study the feasibility of satellite-based cloud radio access network.
SoftPSN: Software-Defined Resource Slicing for Low-Latency Reliable Public Safety Networks
Anteneh A. Gebremariam, Muhammad Usman, Riccardo Bassoli and Fabrizio Granelli
in: Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Vol. 2018, Article ID 7253283, 7 pages, 2018
Achieving the low-latency constraints of public safety applications during disaster could be life-saving. In the context of public safety scenarios, in this paper, we propose an efficient radio resource slicing algorithm that enables first responders to deliver their life-saving activities effectively. We used the tool of stochastic geometry to model the base station distribution before and after a disaster. In addition, under this umbrella, we also proposed an example of public safety scenario, ultrareliable low-latency file sharing, via in-band device-to-device (D2D) communication. The example scenario is implemented in NS-3. The simulation results show that radio resource slicing and prioritization of first responders resources can ensure ultrareliable low-latency communication (URLLC) in emergency scenarios.
Autonomic Mobile Virtual Network Operators for Future Generation Networks
F. Granelli, R. Bassoli
in: IEEE Network, Vol. 32, N. 5, pp. 76-84, 2018
The effort of telecommunications operators in 5G design and implementation is oriented to effective and efficient verticals support. Full network softwarization will deploy tools such as software-defined networks and network functions virtualization to allow dynamic service provisioning on the same physical infrastructure. However, current 5G proposed architecture still requires further enhancement to guarantee full real-time on-demand services. Current virtualization technologies still miss complete automation and adaptation, while they do not have dynamic negotiation capabilities. These issues are bounding the desired complete automation and the significant reduction in OPEX and CAPEX. Thus, this article proposes a full architecture to realize autonomic mobile virtual network operators. These autonomic virtual operators can be deployed by Internet service providers to guarantee efficient and effective network adaptation to unexpected events and real-time resource requests. The objective of an AMVNO is to exploit softwarization of networks and experiential intelligence to play the role of a local operator by performing network management and service release without human intervention. Its autonomic character can also provide proactive actions against unwanted network states.
Optimal received SINR balancing based on cooperative beamforming in cognitive radio networks
J. Moghaddam, F. Granelli, H. Farrokhi
in: International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol. 30, No. 8, 2017
In this paper, we investigate a two‐step cooperative cognitive radio network, which consists of two secondary links, a number of relays, and one primary link. During the first step, the primary link is assumed to be idle; both secondary sources simultaneously broadcast their data to the relay network. During the second step, the relay network employs a proposed cooperative beamforming (CBF) scheme and transmits the received data toward both of the secondary destinations (no matter whether the primary link is idle or not). The proposed CBF scheme enables the investigated network to simultaneously maximize received signal to interference plus noise ratio at both of the secondary destinations while keeping interference plus noise power at the primary destination under a predefined threshold. Indeed, the proposed scheme represents an optimal received signal to interference plus noise ratio balancing approach based on CBF, which guarantees the required quality of service for the primary link and also both secondary links. We optimize the CBF vector by relaxing the optimization problem to a convex semidefinite programming and solving with the bisection search algorithm. Numerical results show the efficiency and robustness of our approach. A comparison of our approach with the zero‐forcing beamforming method is also presented.
End-to-end network slicing for 5g mobile networks
A. Nakao, P. Du, Y. Kiriha, F. Granelli, A.A. Gebremariam, T. Taleb, M. Bagaa
in: Journal of Information Processing, Vol. 25, pp. 153-163, 2017
The research and development (R&D) and the standardization of the 5th Generation (5G) mobile networking technologies are proceeding at a rapid pace all around the world. In this paper, we introduce the emerging concept of network slicing that is considered one of the most significant technology challenges for 5G mobile networking infrastructure, summarize our preliminary research efforts to enable end-to-end network slicing for 5G mobile networking, and finally discuss application use cases that should drive the designs of the infrastructure of network slicing.
CrowdSenSim: a Simulation Platform for Mobile Crowdsensing in Realistic Urban Environments
Claudio Fiandrino and Andrea Capponi and Giuseppe Cacciatore and Dzmitry Kliazovich and Ulrich K. Sorger and Pascal Bouvry and Burak Kantarci and Fabrizio Granelli and Stefano Giordano
in: IEEE Access, Vol. 5 3490-3503, 2017
Smart cities take advantage of recent Information and Communication Technology (ICT) developments to provide added value to existing public services and improve quality of life for the citizens. The Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm makes the Internet more pervasive where objects equipped with computing, storage, and sensing capabilities are interconnected with communication technologies. Because of the widespread diffusion of IoT devices, applying the IoT paradigm to smart cities is an excellent solution to build sustainable ICT platforms. Having citizens involved in the process through mobile crowdsensing (MCS) techniques augments capabilities of these ICT platforms without additional costs. For proper operation, MCS systems require the contribution from a large number of participants. Simulations are therefore a candidate tool to assess the performance of MCS systems. In this paper, we illustrate the design of CrowdSenSim, a simulator for mobile crowdsensing. CrowdSenSim is designed specifically for realistic urban environments and smart cities services. We demonstrate the effectiveness of CrowdSenSim for the most popular MCS sensing paradigms (participatory and opportunistic), and we present its applicability using a smart public street lighting scenario.
Countering Intelligent Dependent Malicious Nodes in Target Detection Wireless Sensor Networks
S. Althunibat, A. Antonopoulos, E. Kartsakli, F. Granelli and C. Verikoukis
in: IEEE Sensors Journal , Vol. 16, no. 23, pp. 8627-8639, 2016
Smart cities take advantage of recent Information and Communication Technology (ICT) developments to provide added value to existing public services and improve quality of life for the citizens. The Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm makes the Internet more pervasive where objects equipped with computing, storage, and sensing capabilities are interconnected with communication technologies. Because of the widespread diffusion of IoT devices, applying the IoT paradigm to smart cities is an excellent solution to build sustainable ICT platforms. Having citizens involved in the process through mobile crowdsensing (MCS) techniques augments capabilities of these ICT platforms without additional costs. For proper operation, MCS systems require the contribution from a large number of participants. Simulations are therefore a candidate tool to assess the performance of MCS systems. In this paper, we illustrate the design of CrowdSenSim, a simulator for mobile crowdsensing. CrowdSenSim is designed specifically for realistic urban environments and smart cities services. We demonstrate the effectiveness of CrowdSenSim for the most popular MCS sensing paradigms (participatory and opportunistic), and we present its applicability using a smart public street lighting scenario.
Identification and Punishment Policies for Spectrum Sensing Data Falsification Attackers Using Delivery-based Assessment
S. Althunibat, B. J. Denise and F. Granelli
in: IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 65, No. 9, pp. 7308-7321, 2016
Training and Networking for Young Society Members: The ComSoc Summer School Program
F. Granelli
in: IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 54, no. 11, pp. 124-129 , 2016
Flexible channel selection mechanism for cognitive radio based last mile smart grid communications
S. Althunibat, Qi Wang, F. Granelli
in: Ad Hoc Networks, Vol. 41, pp. 47-56, 2016
On Results’ Reporting of Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks
S Althunibat, F Granelli
in: Telecommunication Systems, Volume 62, Issue 3, pp 569–580 , 2016
A Software-Defined Device-to-Device Communication Architecture for Public Safety Applications in 5G Networks
M. Usman, A.A. Gebremariam, U. Raza, F. Granelli
in: IEEE Access, Vol. 3, pp. 1649-1654, 2015
Lightweight security against combined IE and SSDF attacks in cooperative spectrum sensing for cognitive radio networks
V. Sucasas, S. Althunibat, A. Radwan, H. Marques, J. Rodriguez, S. Vahid, R. Tafazolli, F. Granelli
in: Security and Communication Networks, Vol. 8 pp. 3978–3994 , 2015
Software defined and virtualized wireless access in future wireless networks: scenarios and standards
F. Granelli, A.A. Gebremariam, M. Usman, F. Cugini, V. Stamati, M. Alitska, P. Chatzimisios
in: IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 53, no. 6, pp. 26-34 , 2015
Energy efficiency of TCP: An analytical model and its application to reduce energy consumption of the most diffused transport protocol
M Usman, D Kliazovich, F Granelli, P Bouvry, P Castoldi
in: International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol. 30, 2015
Energy-efficient data replication in cloud computing datacenters
D. Boru, D. Kliazovich, F. Granelli, P. Bouvry and A. Y. Zomaya
in: Cluster Computing , Vol. 18, n. 1, pp 385–402 , 2015
Towards energy-efficient cooperative spectrum sensing for cognitive radio networks: an overview
Saud Althunibat, Marco Di Renzo, Fabrizio Granelli
in: Telecommunication Systems, Vol. 59, n. 1, pp 77–91 , 2014
Open-field emulation of cooperative relaying in LTE-A downlink using the GNU radio platform
P Atungire, TF Rahman, F Granelli, C Sacchi
in: IEEE Network, Vol. 28, No. 5, pp. 20-26, 2014
Editorial: IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials - Special Section on Energy and Smart Grid
H. Mohsenian-Rad, F. Granelli, K. Ren, C. Develder, L. Chen, T. Jiang, X. Liu
in: IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 1687-1688, 2014
Cooperative spectrum sensing for cognitive radio networks under limited time constraints
S. Althunibat, M. Di Renzo, F. Granelli
in: Computer Communications, Vol. 43, pp. 55-63, 2014
Energy-efficient cognitive radio networks [Guest Editorial]
S. Wang, F. Granelli, Y. Li, S. Chen
in: IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 52, n. 7, 2014
An Objection-Based Collaborative Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio Networks
S. Althunibat, F. Granelli
in: IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 18, n. 8, 2014
Electric Power Allocation in a Network of Fast Charging Stations
I. Safak Bayram, George Michailidis, Michael Devetsikiotis, Fabrizio Granelli
in: IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 31, pp. 1235-1246, 2013
Dynamic green self-configuration of 3G base stations using fuzzy cognitive maps
Christian Facchini, Oliver Holland, Fabrizio Granelli,Nelson L.S. da Fonseca, Hamid Aghvami
in: Computer Networks, Vol. 57, pp. 1597-1610, 2013
Energy optimization in multiuser quantized feedback systems
S. Althunibat, N. Zorba, F. Granelli, C. Verikoukis
in: EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, p. 83, 2013
On the Trade-Off Between Security and Energy Efficiency in Cooperative Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio
S. Althunibat, V. Sucasas, H. Marques, J. Rodriguez, R. Tafazolli, F. Granelli
in: IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 17, p. 1564-1567, 2013
The Role of Small Cell Technologies in Future Smart City Applications
A. Cimmino, T. Pecorella, R. Fantacci, F. Granelli, T.F. Rahman, C. Sacchi, C. Carlini, P. Harsh
in: Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, Vol 25, n. 1, 2013
CogMAC: a cognitive link layer for wireless local area networks
Jorge Lima de Oliveira Filho, D. Kliazovich, F. Granelli, E. Madeira, N. L. S. da Fonseca
in: Wireless Networks, Vol. 19, n. 6, 2013
Performance Optimisation of Soft and Hard Spectrum Sensing Schemes in Cognitive Radio
S Althunibat, R Palacios, F Granelli
in: IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 16, n. 7, pp. 998-1001, 2012
Measurement-based modelling of power consumption at wireless access network gateways
K Gomez, D Boru, R Riggio, T Rasheed, D Miorandi, F Granelli
in: Computer Networks, Vol. 56, n. 10, pp. 2506-2521, 2012
A QoE-Oriented Strategy for OFDMA Radio Resource Allocation Based on Min-MOS Maximization
C. Sacchi, F. Granelli and C. Schlegel
in: IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 15, n. 5, pp. 494-496 , 2011
Efficient Waveform Design for High-Bit-Rate W-band Satellite Transmissions
C. Sacchi, T. Rossi, M. Ruggieri and F. Granelli
in: IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems , Vol. 47, n. 2, pp. 974-995 , 2011
Queue Management Mechanism for 802.11 Base Stations
D. Kliazovich, P. H. Gomes, F. Granelli and N. L. S. da Fonseca
in: IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 15, n. 7, pp. 728-730, 2011
Cross-layer error recovery in wireless access networks: The ARQ proxy approach
Dzmitry Kliazovich, Simone Redana, Fabrizio Granelli
in: International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol. 25, n. 4, pp 213-222, 2011
Guest editorial – special issue on service modeling and design for the future Internet
F. Granelli, M. Devetsikiotis
in: Journal of Internet Services and Applications, Vol. 2, n. 2, p. 67-68, 2011
A metamodeling approach for cross-layer optimization: A framework and application to Voice over WiFi
I. Papapanagiotou, F. Granelli, D. Kliazovich
in: Simulation Modeling Practice and Theory, Vol 19, n. 9, pp. 2177-2129, 2011
Cognitive Service-Oriented Infrastructures
C. Facchini, F. Granelli, N.L.S. da Fonseca
in: Journal of Internet Engineering, Vol. 4 n. 1, 269-278, 2010
Standardization and Research in Cognitive and Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks: IEEE SCC41 Efforts and Other Activities
F. Granelli, P. Pawelczak, R.V. Prasad, K.P. Subbalakshmi, R. Chandramouli, J.A. Hoffmeyer, H.S. Berger
in: IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 48, n. 1, pp. 71-79, 2010
WING/WORLD: An Open Experimental Toolkit for the Design and Deployment of IEEE 802.11-Based Wireless Mesh Networks Testbeds
F. Granelli, R. Riggio, T. Rasheed, D. Miorandi
in: EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, pp. 1-17, 2010
Service-Aware Retransmission Control in Cellular Networks
N. Ben Halima, D. Kliazovich, F. Granelli
in: Journal of Computer Systems, Networks, and Communications, Vol. 2010, Article ID 256964, 8 pages, 2010
Interference and Traffic Aware Channel Assignment in WiFi-based Wireless Mesh Networks
R. Riggio, T. Rasheed, S. Testi, F. Granelli, I. Chlamtac
in: Ad Hoc Networks, Vol. 9, n. 5, pp. 864-875, 2010
Self-Adjustment of Resource Allocation for Grid Applications
D. Batista, S.N. L. Da Fonseca, F. K. Miyazawa
in: Computer Networks, Vol. 52, pp. 1762-1781, 2008
Logarithmic Window Increase for TCP Westwood+ for Improvement in High Speed, Long Distance Networks
D. Kliazovich, F. Granelli, D. Miorand
in: Computer Networks, Vol. 52, n. 12, pp. 2395-2410, 2008
Packet Concatenation at the IP Level for Performance Enhancement in Wireless Local Area Networks
D. Kliazovich, F. Granelli
in: Wireless Networks, Vol. 14, n. 4, pp. 519-529, 2008
A traffic aggregation and differentiation scheme for enhanced QoS in IEEE 802.11-based Wireless Mesh Networks
R. Riggio, D. Miorandi, F. De Pellegrini, F. Granelli,I. Chlamtac
in: Computer Communications, Vol. 31, n. 7, pp. 1290-1300, 2008
Hardware and Software Solutions for Wireless Mesh Networks Testbeds
R. Riggio, N. Scalabrino, D. Miorandi,F. Granelli, Y. Fang, E. Gregori, I. Chlamtac
in: IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 46, n. 6, pp. 156-162, 2008
Intelligent Extended Floating Car Data Collection
S. Messelodi, C. M. Modena, M. Zanin, F. De Natale,F. Granelli, E. Betterle, A. Guarise
in: Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 36, n. 3, pp. 4213-4227, 2008
Performance Improvement in Wireless Networks using Cross-layer ARQ
D. Kliazovich,F. Granelli, M. Gerla
in: Computer Networks, Vol. 51, pp. 4396-4411, 2007
A Study on the Usage of Cross-Layer Power Control and Forward Error Correction for Embedded Video Transmission over Wireless Links
F. Granelli, C. E. Costa, A. K. Katsaggelos
in: Advances in Multimedia, Vol. 2007, Article ID 95807, 14 pages, 2007
Performance Limitations of IEEE 802.11 Networks and Potential Enhancements
F. Granelli,D. Kliazovich, S.N. L. Da Fonseca
in: International Journal of Computer Research, Vol. 14, n. 1/2, pp. 85-108, 2007
Enhanced GPSR Routing in Multi-Hop Vehicular Communications through Movement Awareness
F. Granelli, G. Boato, D. Kliazovich, G. Vernazza
in: IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 11, n. 10, pp. 781-783, 2007
A joint MAC-PHY approach for medium access control in VBR MC-CDMA broadband indoor connections
C. Sacchi, G. Berlanda Scorza, F. Granelli, F. De Natale
in: Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 36, n. 4, pp. 403-424, 2006
Cross-layer congestion control in ad hoc wireless networks
D. Kliazovich, F. Granelli
in: Ad Hoc Networks, Vol. 4, n. 6, pp. 687-708, 2006
Cross-layering for performance improvement in multi-hop wireless networks
F. Granelli, D. Kliazovich
in: Journal of Interconnection Networks, Vol. 7, n. 1, pp. 51-61, 2006
Research Advances in Cognitive Ultra Wide Band Radio and Their Application to Sensor Networks
F. Granelli, H. Zhang, X. Zhou, S. Maranò
in: Mobile Networks and Applications, Vol. 11, n. 4, pp. 487-499, 2006
DAWL: A Delayed-ACK Scheme for MAC-Level Performance Enhancement of Wireless LANs
D. Kliazovich, F. Granelli
in: Mobile Networks and Applications, Vol. 10, pp. 607-615, 2005
A Framework for Analysis of Connectivity and Performance Bounds in Ad Hoc Networks and Its Application to a Slotted-ALOHA Scenario
F. Granelli
in: Journal of Communications, Vol. 1, n. 1, pp. 35-41, 2005
Quality evaluation and non-uniform compression of geometrically deformed images using the Quadtree distortion map
C. Costa, F. De Natale, F. Granelli
in: EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, N. 12, pp. 1899-1911, 2004
A real-time algorithm for error recovery in remote video-based surveillance applications
C. Sacchi, F. Granelli, C. Regazzoni, F. Oberti
in: Signal Processing Image Communication, Vol. 17, n. 2, pp. 165-186, 2002
A Contrast-Based Approach to the Identification of Texture Faults
F. De Natale, F. Granelli, G. Vernazza
in: International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 16, n. 2, pp. 193-214, 2002
Adaptive Anisotropic Filtering (AAF) for Real-Time Visual Enhancement of MPEG-Coded Video Sequences
L. Atzori, F. De Natale, F. Granelli
in: IEEE Transactions on Circuits and System for Video Technology , Vol. 12, n. 5, p. 285-298, 2002
A Real-Time Visual Post-Processor for MPEG-Coded Video Sequences
F. De Natale, L. Atzori, F. Granelli
in: Signal Processing Image Communication, Vol. 16, n. 8, pp. 809-816, 2001
Efficient labeling procedures for image partition encoding
M. Accame, F. De Natale, F. Granelli
in: Signal Processing, Vol. 80, pp. 1127-1131, 2000
Real-time error correction algorithm for noise-corrupted JPEG bit-streams
F. Granelli, C. Sacchi, C. Regazzoni
in: Electronics Letters, Vol .35, n. 14, pp. 1147-1148, 1999
Hierarchical progressive image coding controlled by a region-based approach
M. Accame, F. Granelli
in: IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 45, n. 1, pp. 13-20, 1999
An Integrated Approach to Block Based Motion Estimation for Video Coding
M. Accame, F. De Natale, F. Granelli
in: IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 44, n.1, pp. 52-61, 1998
Autocompensation-with-parameter for Motion Field Prediction
M. Accame, F. Granelli
in: Electronics Letters, Vol. 34, n. 1, pp. 51-52, 1998